PaintBlog III – Detailing

In this picture, we go from smooth to tacky, by which I refer to the amount of stickyness that the paint retains after a couple of days of drying. Green is pretty well set, but yellow is now somewhat glue-ish, so smoothing is more difficult. (One can smooth by either blending in with the existing wet color, or by slowly fading out over an existing dry color.)

I did some area work in the upper left corner, but I was unhappy with it (it seemed too dark, and thus too sunken) so I lightened it up–brought it closer to te viewer, as it were. I’m going to try to get the two photos side by side.

Paint Blog 3, with a bit of work.  Click to open in a new window.

Paint Blog 3, as it stands today.  Click to open in a new window.

Notice that the upper right corner looks a bit like Jack Skellington. Much as I like Jack, and feel that he serves as an excellent example, I’d rather he not appear in my pictures. So that will change, definitely.

Busy session bassist Tony Levin and Dave Cousins of the Strawbs came by the studio. They said the work was “interesting” and then they quickly wanted to talk about other things.

“Uh...huh.  Well.  How about that.”

Here’s some kittens from the W.C. Fields film, “International House.”

Kittens of 1933.

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