PaintBlog III

Yes, I can hear the startled exclamations e’en now: Fie, this personage doth embark upon yet another canvas without completing the second! Doth this madness know no limit, can none bestem this tide?

Well…I don’t know if I can answer that! You got me, there. Anyway. I’d been thinking about doing something with greens, so, naturally, the first step was to put some red and black onto the canvas. Here’s the first image:

Paint Blog 3.  Click to open in a new window.

Well, to be strictly factual, here’s the first image:

Ha ha ha.  Click to open in a new window, if you insist.

This, of course, then led to this one. Back we go:

Paint Blog 3.  Deja vu.  Click to open in a new window.

The reason I led with red and black is quite simple: I already had some on the palatte. I have a horror of, well, many things, but wasting paint is certainly among their number. I mean, I also had an idea of how this could be used in the canvas, of course; I’m not a total prisoner of my obsessions.

Well, having clensed the palatte, as it were, of red and black, I then began to add green. Specifically, “Sap Green,” which is named so because if you use it, you’re a sap. It’s almost Raw Sienna in its difficulty; it took forever to simply spread it to the extent you see here, by which time I had decided to abandon such a color. Life is simply too short!

Paint Blog 3 - Sap Green.  Click to open in a new window.

As you can see, what we have is An Extremely Sun-Burnt Pee-Wee Herman Enjoying His Role in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade In His Pterodactyl Costume.

Actually that’s not the title, but I bet I’ve given one of you an idea for an off-Broadway play.

Well, we took another green, a bluer one that I can never spell (Phylocasomethingorother) and we took some yellow, and filled the rest of the canvas.

Paint Blog 3 - Other green.  Click to open in a new window.

Then we let it sit for a while. Actually, rather a while, an entire day in fact, since what you’ve seen above was produced on Monday.

On Tuesday, we went in and fleshed out some details. The yellow and green were both quite damp, so this makes smoothing a faily easy task, at the same time hard edges are kind of difficult.

Also, we added some detailing to the red and black area, and closed the circle around this by edging the black right up to the green. The result:

Paint Blog 3, as it stands.  Click to open in a new window.

So that’s that. I suspect I’ll wait for it to dry properly before doing any more.

You’re probably saying to yourself, “This person seems to go pretty quickly with the more abstract things, I bet that’s why the more realistic PaintBlog II is so stalled now.”

Well, you don’t have to say that to yourself, you know. You can say it right here, and everyone can join in agreeing with you. How about it?

3 thoughts on “PaintBlog III

  1. Hi there-

    Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my site and commenting — I have to admit that I’ve always wanted to try to write kind of a sarcastic/humorous book, so the blog helps me “practice.”

    Anyway, great picture. Very cool. I wish I had that kind of visual creativity.

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