
So, another very short video. Ideas for anything long-form are very thin on the ground these days, so anything is something…even if it’s less than 30 seconds.

I recently updated to the subscription version of PhotoShop and was just sketching around, looking for ideas, and this guy (and his friends) kind of showed up. So here they are.

Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by.

4 thoughts on ““Statistic”

  1. On the third rewatch, I noticed more.
    The background characters, human or robots?
    Either way, it seems that you have been inspired by Steve Ditko. Good work.

  2. ( the filter got hung up, so this might get posted twice. Sorry!)

    On the third rewatch, I noticed more.
    The background characters, human or robots?
    Either way, it seems that you have been inspired by Steve Ditko. Good work.

    • Hey, thanks for commenting. There could be some Steve Ditko in there…I’ve always liked his artwork. But I have no idea where inspiration comes from, or, sadly, where it goes when it doesn’t strike me.

      Ideas just seem to pop in from some other dimension. Sometimes, they stay long enough to produce something.

      • 1. No cat cameo. Bummer.
        2. A lot of your videos could fit within one longer story. They are not dissimilar worlds. Regardless, I enjoy your work with or without cat cameos. Cats are so choosey when they want to perform.

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